I specialize in Cranial Sacral body work, which is a dynamic interplay between energy work and soft tissue mobilizations. Incorporating Myofascial, Deep Tissue, Trigger point work with Cranial Sacral, I treat injury, Chronic issues, and Neck, Head and TMJ issues. Some of the issues I treat are Migraines, Nerve pain, Tinnitus, Scoliosis, TMJ, Nervous System Disorders, Car accidents and Bodily Injuries, Chronic Fatigue, Emotional Release, and much more.
I often work with local Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, and other therapists.
Currently my office is at 1233 Lawrence St. suite 101 in the Nourishing Life Clinic.
I see Clients Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays.
Call 360-301-4906 for more information.